Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Financial Advisor Education What Education/experience Is Required To Be A Fee Only Financial Advisor?

What education/experience is required to be a fee only financial advisor? - financial advisor education

I'm a programmer, but I always had an interest in money management. My interest is not in specific population groups, but the administration only the distribution of money and budgeting. My experience has increased and decreased throughout the year, but I've often thought, second in my career. My family and my friends always come to me for advice and regurgitate what I heard and read /. So I'm no expert, but I finally.

Is it difficult to achieve in this area and generating about 150K on a car of the year, an income or pay 100K per year? (without city / north-eastern United States).


lolliela... said...

This is a difficult area to penetrate. You may have recruited and trained, but are found on the bottom line is how much money or the number of customers can let

They are in states that are allowed a clientele, exams, etc.

About School of Finance and Planning and see how you could win a CFP - Certified Financial Planner.

Guarantees and insurance are increasingly limited every day.

Get with the right skills training can be with a company like Amperiprise. I'm sure there are others.

You can count on work and study around 16 hours a day. If you will pay - the. If you are not totally dedicated to - you will receive.

Xknows said...

In addition to the above licensing and training issues (from a previous meeting) will be strong "sales" skills and communication skills to be successful. Moreover, as financial services (the PPC has trained), recommend a visit www.learntosucceed.biz. You can make a difference in his direction and answer your questions.
Good luck.

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